April 2019
April 11th
Bob Garcia started the meeting promptly at 7:15 a.m. Mike Renberg led the flag salute and Hy Wood gave us our prayer for the morning. Guests this morning were Houry Sanderson from the North Fresno Rotary Club, Rachel Ocampo of the Clovis Rotary Club and Jenny Delino from the Marjaree Mason Center.
Bob saluted Mike Renberg and Hymman Wood for having birthdays in April.
Joe Villareal was missing in action this morning, so Tim Conboy was drafted for Happy Bucks duty.
Jacque Smith Garcia reported on the Camp Royal interviews, stating that all three of the applicants were girls. One was selected but it is possible that there may be space for a second girl if some of the other Rotary clubs are unable to fill their allocations. Jacque thanked Ken Dodderer, Robert Howk and Bob Garcia for assisting her in the interviews.
Phil Blohm reported that the Celebration of Life for Carol Jacoby, a former Sunrise Rotarian, would be held on Saturday, April 20th at Pardini’s banquet hall beginning at noon. Lunch will be served, and all Rotarians are invited.
Tim Conboy reported that the RATA prom will be held on Friday, May 3rd at the Dante Club. Any Rotarian attending is asked to arrive at 6 p.m. to help set up. The prom itself will start at 7 p.m. Tim provided some background on our club’s involvement with RATA high school and our support for this event.
Bob Garcia announced that the District Conference will be held on Friday, May 3rd and 4th at the Clovis Veterans Memorial Auditorium. The cost is $55 per adult.
Bob also announced that Grant Training will be held on Saturday May 18th at the San Joaquin Valley College from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. By attending the training, it qualifies clubs to apply for grants for their various projects. Bob stressed that someone needs to attend as this is the grant the provides the money for our food basket distribution with Cambridge High School.
Bob Garcia discussed the work Alan Uyemura has done with the Chocolate Run and how it has benefited the club. This year the run had almost 1000 participates for the 5k and 15k runs. The Marjaree Mason Center was the beneficiary of this event and Bob presented Jenny Delino with a check for $4000. Jenny gave the members a short report on the activities of the Marjaree Mason Center and how our donation will be used to help victims of domestic violence.
Elva Carlos introduced Nina Carrillo and Solomon Dominguez as Cambridge High Schools students of the month. Mr. Salinas was introduced as the school’s outstanding staff person for the month.
Mike Renberg was supposed to introduce our featured speaker but had to apologize as the speaker failed to attend this mornings meeting. Mike stated that he had confirmed with her staff that she would be attending but she was a no show this morning.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
This Thursday Phil Blohm will introduce Jack Fertig as our featured speaker. Many of you may remember Mr. Fertig as the director of basketball operations at Fresno State and head basketball coach at Buchanan High School. In addition to being an accomplished basketball coach, he is an published author and a former member of the prestigious National Speakers Association. Ben Krikorian and Robert Howk are our scheduled greeters and Joe Villareal will provide us with our thought for the day.