December 2018
December 13th
Phil Blohm stepped in for our president, Dave Doyle, to lead this mornings meeting. Pete Pulos led us in the flag salute and Hymman Wood gave our thought for the day. Joe Villareal circulated the Happy Dollars cup, receiving many happy thoughts including best wishes for the Battling Bulldogs in the Las Vegas Bowl.
Alan Uyemura reported on the bell ringing for the Salvation Army and thanked all the participants. He also reminded the members that the Chocolate Run is only nine weeks away and the need for sponsors.
Pete Pulos reported on the food basket project and thanked all who participated.
Bob Garcia reported on the web site, thanking those who have sent in their photos of the club’s various projects. He also reminded the members that this month marked the 35th anniversary of the clubs founding. A history of the club can be found on the district web site. Our new website is It can also be accessed through the district 5230 web site.
Elva Carlos, from Cambridge High School, related the schools Christmas activities before introducing the outstanding students and staff member for the month. Faith Rodriquez and Conrad Galvin were introduced as the high schools outstanding students and Jeanne Logan as the high schools outstanding staff person. All were recognized with certificates of appreciation and the students were given a gift certificate to Target.
Jacque Smith Garcia introduced Chris Roup as the morning’s speaker. Chris is the Executive Director of NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. The organization provides education, support and advocacy for individuals and families who face mental health issues. Chris spoke on the organizations various programs including NAMI Family t0 Family, NAMI Home Front, NAMI Peer to Peer and others as a way of helping families learn and understand mental health issues.
The club will be dark for the remainder of December. Our first meeting of the new year will be Thursday January 3rd. Joe Villareal and Hymman Wood will be our greeters and Alan Uyemura will give us our thought for the day. Mike Renberg will introduce our featured speaker.
May everyone have a Happy Holliday and a Happy New Year.

December 6th
Ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, at the Fashion Fair mall in Fresno.