November 2018
November 15th
This morning Ken Dodderer stepped in for our busy president, Dave Doyle. Mike Renberg led all in the flag salute, Bob Garcia gave us our thought for the day and Phil Blohm did happy dollars.
Alan reported on our project for the Salvation Army bell ringing, passing out a sign-up sheet for those who are interested in participating.
Phil reported on the club’s Christmas party, reminding all that it will be held at the Spaghetti Factory on Wednesday December 5th beginning at 6:30. There will be a gift exchange with a limit of $20 per person. Bob Garcia will be emailing to all members a sign-up sheet for the event.
Bob Garcia reported on the club’s web site explaining that we need photographs of Rotarian events. He asked that all of today’s attendees stay a few extra minutes, so he can take a group photo to be placed on the web site.
Tim Conboy reported on the food boxes for Cambridge High School and will be asking for volunteers soon to assemble the boxes for distribution. Tim also reported club members will be asked to bring an wrapped toy to the December 13th meeting to be donated to FIRM for their annual toy drive. A separate notice will be sent to all members regarding this toy drive.
Bob Garcia introduced today’s featured speaker, Ms. Dawn Golik. Ms. Golik is the Director of the Small Business Administration’s Fresno District Office. Her professional history includes being selected as a Community Builder Fellow under a joint fellowship program between HUD and the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in 1999. From there Dawn was employed with HUD for 11 years, leaving as the acting Director of the Fresno office. She spent a year with the Veteran’s Administration as its chief of Public Affairs officer before joining the Small Business Administration in 2012.
Dawn spoke about the SBA loan programs and its focus on women and veteran owned businesses. She discussed the departments new priority of marketing to rural area businesses and the incentives in place to make financing easier and cheaper for those businesses. She talked about government contracting and how small business owners can take advantage of federal government projects by becoming certified with the SBA. Dawn also spoke on several future programs currently being developed such as employer sponsored retirement programs and work force development.
Next week the club is dark for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, November 29th. Our featured speaker will be from the Marjaree Mason Center. Our greeters will be Gary Istanboulian and Tim Conboy. Our thought for the day will come from Larry Hopper.
On behalf of all Rotarians, we wish the very best for you and yours on this holiday.

November 8th
President Dave Doyle made an unexpected appearance as he was scheduled to be out of town on business. However, it was good to see him, and he fulfilled his Rotary duties admirably. Mike Renberg started the meeting with the flag salute and Bob Garcia gave the thought for the day.
Bob Garcia reported on the recent meeting with the club’s new IT manager, Kyle Barnes from Seattle Software Solutions. The club’s website is now up and running at Bob pointed out some of the new features of the site including a calendar which will list events of not only the club but of the district. Bob requested photos from members regarding anything having to do with Rotary, so we may put it on the website. For now, all information and photos will go through the club secretary.
Alan Uyemura reported on the Salvation Army bell ringing which will be held on Thursday, December 6th at the east entrance of J.C. Penney's at the Fashion Fair Mall. He passed out a sign-up sheet to the members who were interested in participating.
Dave reminded the members that the Clubs Christmas party will be held on Wednesday, December 5th at the Old Spaghetti Factory. There will be a gift exchange.
Dave also announced that the November Board meeting will be held at his office on Tuesday November 13th beginning at 5:30 p.m.
Pete Pulos, Principle at Cambridge High School recognized the schools outstanding students and staff member for the month of November. Larry Hopper provided certificates of outstanding performance to Britney Lanier (staff), Oriallana Gutierrez and Jesse Yetes (students). In addition, the students received a $40 gift certificate to Target.
Jacque Smith Garcia introduced her guest and speaker for the morning, Ms. Marilyn Bamford, Executive Director of Uplift Family Services. The company is a private, non-profit agency and is one of the largest mental health treatment programs in the western United States. Ms. Bamford provided a fascinating history of the company which started as an orphanage for rescued Chinese women brought to the United States 150 years ago for illicit purposes. The company provides a myriad of services including individual, family and group therapy, early childhood services, social skill development, psychological testing, case management, crisis intervention, treatment for children, youth and families affected by child sexual abuse and several more.
Next week our featured speaker will be Dawn Golik, Director of the Fresno District Office of the Small Business Administration.
Our greeters will be Mike Renberg and Wayne Thomas. Our thought for the day will come from Jason Obenauf.

November 1st
Hello Rotarians:
Last Thursday Joe Villareal stood in for our President, Dave Doyle. Robert Howk led the flag salute and Larry Hopper gave us our thought for the day. Our guests included Nick Dounias, an alumnus from Sunrise Rotary and Paul Pierce from the Cultural Arts club. Paul announced his club’s fund raiser, A Shinzen Stroll to be held on Sunday, November 11th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. This champagne brunch event will offer food, music and champagne at the Shinzen Gardens in Woodwood Park. Tickets are $35 pre-order or $40 at the door. Paul gave two tickets to the club which will be raffled off this Thursday to some lucky member.
Alan Uyemura reported on the Chocolate Run and encouraged all members to attract sponsors as that is where the club will make most of its money. He reported that in-kind contributions will not be necessary this year.
Phil reported on the up coming meeting with our new web site manager. This meeting is scheduled for Saturday, November 3rd beginning at noon at his office. Anyone with pictures of our Rotary events and service club projects is asked to forward them to Phil as we hope to put them on the new web site.
Alan Uyemura introduced Thomas Dodd who is a member of the Sierra Model A club of America. Mr. Dodd, along with two other members provided a picture history of the car including information about its founder, Henry Ford. Mr. Ford produced his first car, a quadracycle in 1896. The sale of this one car led to the production of many more until he founded Ford Motor company in 1903. That year he manufactured the first Model A car and sold it for $800 for a two-seater and $900 for a four-seater. Because of the invention of the assembly line, the cost of the model A cars was significantly reduced in later years, making it affordable for the average person. After the meeting Rotarians were able to inspect three model A cars the members brought with them.
Next week Jacque Smith Garcia will introduce Chris Roup, the Executive Director for NAMI (the National Alliance on Mental Illness). Joe Villareal be our greeter this week and he has the cash box. Our thought for the day will come from Wayne Thomas. We will see all of you then.